Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's A.......................................

We're so excited to announce that we're having a baby girl. They moved my due date up to April 12 because she was a little big. The tech is measuring her to be about 12 ounces - almost a pound. Everything looked great - healthy baby was all we prayed for. She was laid out in there with her head in the middle of my belly and legs stretched completely out toward the right. That explains why I've been feeling little baby pokes only on the right side. Nathan was so excited to be right. He's known all along we were having a girl so I guess he really is a little bit psychic. :)

Here's a picture of the little baby girl. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!! Love to all!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My 19 1/2 week belly - Whoa.

So here's the baby belly's progress so far. I know the picture quality is crap but they were taken with my cell phone in the bathroom at work! I tried to have fun with one of them. :)

I feel huge and I look about 30 weeks. The picture of me in the pink shirt is me at 20 weeks pregnant with Nathan. Big difference. Oh well - I'm trying to enjoy this new figure for now. :)