Hi everyone! I hope you're all enjoying Spring as much as we have been. One of the funnest things we've been doing lately is growing a garden. Well - Daddy and Nathan are growing a garden. Mommy is cheering them on. I don't exactly have a green thumb. They're growing corn, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, peppers, watermelon and canteloupe. Everything is doing really well and so far we've gotten to eat and enjoy squash, zucchini, and peppers. I can't wait to try everything else. I'm so excited about going organic that I think I might just take it to the next level and do the same with my grocery list. We'll see - I'm a cheapskate so that may be wishful thinking. Maybe at least milk and meat.
Here's a few pics of the progress...

Lauren is doing great. She's getting bigger every day and she is so sweet. She is finally giving us a few smiles and coos - music to our ears and eyes! She has moved out of mama and daddy's room into her big girl crib. This is major for us since Nathan was in our room until 6 months. She is sleeping like a champ. She goes for about 5 hours for her first stretch then goes right back down for another 2 or 3 hours. I'm actually pretty well rested for having a newborn in the house. Well - she woke up from her nap. Till next time...
She looks like big brother to me! Excuse the bed head!

Smiling for mama!
Sleeping in her big girl crib! She loves her Miracle Blanket (thanks Aunt Rita and Uncle Justin!)
My babies are the cutest! :-)