Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wheeler Christmas
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that 2009 brings you joy, love, peace, and happiness!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Nathan Pictures
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Baby Wheeler Update 24 Weeks Pregnant
We are almost 99.9% positive her name is Lauren Faith, but don't sue us if that changes! I love the ultrasound picture of her below. I think she looks like she's smiling. Her head is on the right and you can see the outline of her big baby belly. She was opening and closing her mouth the whole time we watched her. I can't believe we're already more than halfway done. My doctor did tell me there was a high possibility she would induce early due to Lauren's size - like week 39 - so we really only have 15 weeks left!!!! Ack! But that means she'll be here just in time for Easter.
I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm starting to really show so people have been extra nice to me this holiday season. That's always fun - I know all that attention will be refocused in no time so I'm soaking it up. Nathan is still pretty excited. He probably thinks I'll be pregnant forever though. He's starting to be able to feel the kicks though so maybe it's becoming more of a reality for him. He's such a sweet boy and is going to be the best big brother.
Well - I'll try to post a Christmas update soon because I've got some super cute photos of Gator to share! Hope everyone has as very Merry Christmas! Love to all!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Wheeler Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's A.......................................

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My 19 1/2 week belly - Whoa.
I feel huge and I look about 30 weeks. The picture of me in the pink shirt is me at 20 weeks pregnant with Nathan. Big difference. Oh well - I'm trying to enjoy this new figure for now. :)

Friday, October 31, 2008
Baby Wheeler Update
Baby is doing great. We did the heartbeat check and little one was laying on my right side. The heartbeat was in the high 160s so that means girl according to the Old Wive's Tales. We'll really be happy either way but Doug and Nathan both seem pretty sure it's a girl. We'll find out soon enough. Our anatomy ultrasound is scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving so hopefully we can announce the gender on Turkey Day.
Happy Halloween to all! I'll post pictures of Gator in his knight costume later. We'll be trick-or-treating and handing out candy to the kiddos in the hood tonight!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Uncle Mashew

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Mom, that was exactly what I needed."
4-year-olds say the darndest things.
We were duped in our house into buying a ginormous box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Their latest advertisement makes it look like crack in a bowl. Yummy! Anyway, Nathan has been asking for a bowl regularly for the past week or so every morning at 6:30 am (the moment his eyes peep open). We sauntered downstairs to have our morning bowl and discovered daddy, the pig, had eaten the last of it for his late night snack. Trying to distract the kid, I said I'd make eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast instead. A treat for sure as it's normally bagels or pre-packaged muffins in the car. Incessant whining ensued and I was forced to tell the kid to get out of my kitchen and watch a cartoon while I cooked.
He was presented with my lovely plate of breakfast and a big glass of oj (which I've been craving like mad lately - I think that means girl). He griped but persisted to practically lick his plate clean and then calmly say, "Mom, that was exactly what I needed."
Turd.Friday, September 5, 2008
8 weeks 2 days Pregnant
New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from our baby's hands and feet, its eyelids practically cover his eyes, and breathing tubes extend from its throat to the branches of its developing lungs. In baby's brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. We may be daydreaming about our baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether we're having a boy or a girl. Either way, our baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though I still can't feel it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Beach Trip
And then he helped us find our way home when we got turned around. ;) He's so bossy!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Archers Abound
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Nathan Turned 4!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
We Have a Psychic in the House!
Turns out he may be a little psychic and a lot willful! We are expecting our second child and we could not be happier! It's still very early days and our due date is not until April 15, 2009 but we're all really bad at keeping a secret! Here is the evidence taken this morning! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a happy and healthy 9 months!