We are almost 99.9% positive her name is Lauren Faith, but don't sue us if that changes! I love the ultrasound picture of her below. I think she looks like she's smiling. Her head is on the right and you can see the outline of her big baby belly. She was opening and closing her mouth the whole time we watched her. I can't believe we're already more than halfway done. My doctor did tell me there was a high possibility she would induce early due to Lauren's size - like week 39 - so we really only have 15 weeks left!!!! Ack! But that means she'll be here just in time for Easter.
I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm starting to really show so people have been extra nice to me this holiday season. That's always fun - I know all that attention will be refocused in no time so I'm soaking it up. Nathan is still pretty excited. He probably thinks I'll be pregnant forever though. He's starting to be able to feel the kicks though so maybe it's becoming more of a reality for him. He's such a sweet boy and is going to be the best big brother.
Well - I'll try to post a Christmas update soon because I've got some super cute photos of Gator to share! Hope everyone has as very Merry Christmas! Love to all!

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