We had a fantastic Christmas. Nathan told me, when he woke up at a very reasonable 7:15, that he had heard the reindeer on the roof and jingle bells. How exciting! We raced downstairs as soon as daddy came home from the station to find that Santa did in fact make his appearance! He had even eaten all the heads off the gingerbread men we made him. Silly Santa! Nathan was also very excited to see that the reindeer had eaten the carrots we left for them, the biggest for Rudolph of course. He was very concerned that they needed their energy to fly around the world. Nathan asked Santa for 2 things this year - a car that's green and has a spot for his deer when he kills it and a bb gun. Well - thank God for Santa because mommy would have been in the poor house if the man didn't come through! Nathan was overjoyed to see that he got exactly what he asked for. I don't know how he does it, but Santa is pretty awesome.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that 2009 brings you joy, love, peace, and happiness!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Nathan Pictures
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Baby Wheeler Update 24 Weeks Pregnant
We had another ultrasound yesterday to check on baby girl. She is very healthy and still a girl! She is measuring pretty big for gestational age. She is measuring about 2 weeks big - right at 26 weeks. The doctor placed her in the 88th percentile. Did we expect any less though? :)
We are almost 99.9% positive her name is Lauren Faith, but don't sue us if that changes! I love the ultrasound picture of her below. I think she looks like she's smiling. Her head is on the right and you can see the outline of her big baby belly. She was opening and closing her mouth the whole time we watched her. I can't believe we're already more than halfway done. My doctor did tell me there was a high possibility she would induce early due to Lauren's size - like week 39 - so we really only have 15 weeks left!!!! Ack! But that means she'll be here just in time for Easter.
I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm starting to really show so people have been extra nice to me this holiday season. That's always fun - I know all that attention will be refocused in no time so I'm soaking it up. Nathan is still pretty excited. He probably thinks I'll be pregnant forever though. He's starting to be able to feel the kicks though so maybe it's becoming more of a reality for him. He's such a sweet boy and is going to be the best big brother.
Well - I'll try to post a Christmas update soon because I've got some super cute photos of Gator to share! Hope everyone has as very Merry Christmas! Love to all!
We are almost 99.9% positive her name is Lauren Faith, but don't sue us if that changes! I love the ultrasound picture of her below. I think she looks like she's smiling. Her head is on the right and you can see the outline of her big baby belly. She was opening and closing her mouth the whole time we watched her. I can't believe we're already more than halfway done. My doctor did tell me there was a high possibility she would induce early due to Lauren's size - like week 39 - so we really only have 15 weeks left!!!! Ack! But that means she'll be here just in time for Easter.
I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm starting to really show so people have been extra nice to me this holiday season. That's always fun - I know all that attention will be refocused in no time so I'm soaking it up. Nathan is still pretty excited. He probably thinks I'll be pregnant forever though. He's starting to be able to feel the kicks though so maybe it's becoming more of a reality for him. He's such a sweet boy and is going to be the best big brother.
Well - I'll try to post a Christmas update soon because I've got some super cute photos of Gator to share! Hope everyone has as very Merry Christmas! Love to all!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Wheeler Thanksgiving
We traveled to Tulia this year for Thanksgiving. For those of you who don't know, Tulia is in the panhandle of Texas, almost to Amarillo. Doug's mom and dad both grew up there and we still have a lot of family in the area. We had a great time (except for the 8 hour drive) and we can't wait until we have an opportunity to visit again!
Nathan and Daddy making mashed potatoes
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