I'm now almost 31 weeks pregnant and I am very happy to report that my pregnancy has been very uneventful. I tested negative for gestational diabetes and Lauren is active as can be. My only complication has been slight anemia but iron pills made that an easy fix. My fundal height is normal (actually a week behind) so that tells me that she's not too big.
Now the rest of my life....aarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're moving on Feb. 15 because we're crazy. No just kidding. We're moving so that Nathan will begin his precious school years in an excellent school district. Our new house is in Block House Creek which is also where my best friend Erin lives so that should be a blast. Her baby is almost 7 months old so Lauren has a playmate. To see Lauren's future best friend, click here...http://jarrett-family.blogspot.com/
I'm exhausted though. I'm feeling pretty good about the move so far but there is so much to do. Luckily we'll still have 2 weeks on our current lease so we can come back and clean and make this house ready for the evil property management company. We're nearly done packing but there is still much to do. Luckily I have lots of family and friends here in town who have very generously offered help. :) Thanks Mom and Dad for everything you've done already!
In addition to all this, Doug, Nathan and I have all been sick as dogs this week. Doug brought home a BADDDDD stomach virus and proceeded to pass it on to Nathan who then so kindly gave it to me who I think then gave it to poor Grammaw! Arhg @*$@(&$*)(@#$&*(@)!! It's been a lovely week here. I think we're all over it for the most part and just praying that it never returns again. Kneeling over the porcelain god every 10 minutes when your 30 weeks pregnant is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies.
So it's the weekend before the move and I'm hoping to be extra productive and chipper. Wish me luck!!!
How exciting to here that you are moving to Blockhouse! The elementary is excellent! What side will you be on? Glad baby Lauren is doing well and is being kind to you.
I can't wait for Abby and Lauren to be playmates, yea! :)
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