Baby Girl turned 1 week old today! It's already flying by very quickly. She had a big week. We celebrated Easter Sunday with an egg hunt after Sunday School. Mommy & Lauren stayed home but Doug and Gator got their goodness. We've been to the doctor and learned that Lauren is a healthy, beautiful little girl (nothing we didn't already know)! We went to Central Market for lunch and let Nathan play on the playscape. We visited the bookstore (Daddy and Nathan's favorite place). We had a picnic lunch today at the park and even went to watch Nathan at Tae Kwon Do. It's been a great week and Lauren seems to be adjusting to our family life well. We've had to make a few accomodations just for her (i.e. giving up sleeping at night) but overall we've had a fairly easy transition. Here's a few pics from our week.
Nathan & Sister on Easter Sunday

Favorite spot for napping
Brother & Sister Love
Beautiful Baby
Sleeping in the sunshine

World's Worst Garage! Doug & I could not resist taking a picture of this garage. I can't believe they aren't too ashamed to leave the door up! All I can say is Wow! Don't feel bad if you haven't started your Spring cleaning yet. Just come to our blog and look at this photo every time you feel guilty about not doing the dishes every day!
Your life with two kids has begun, can you believe it?! She's such a cutie, we're so glad you guys are doing well. The garage pic cracked me up, wow!! :)
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! Isn't it fun to dress her up! I know that you all are madly in love with her! Kuddos to you on the quick birth!
The garage pic made me laugh. I thought ours was bad with all of the random riding toys scattered about, but I feel better now!
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