Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Nathan!!!!!

Gator turned 5 today!!! Happy Birthday, Big Boy! We celebrated by opening presents and birthday cards first thing this morning... note the serious case of bed head!

He got a scooter, a nerf gun dart board, and a slide projector with prehistoric sea creature and dinosaur slides. He was pretty excited. Later in the day he got a Fed Ex package from Grammaw and Papaw with some awesome puzzle books about the continents and dinosaurs. There was also a pretty cool gift card to Barnes & Noble for a book shopping spree. Lucky boy!

When I got home from work we had chili dogs and cake. The cake was pretty neat if I do say so myself. Nathan and I made it with as many colors as we had in the cabinet. Believe it or not, it's a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting. It was delicious and fun to make!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Baby Gator. May all your birthday wishes come true! I love you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pics of the Punks

The original punk, Uncle Matthew!

She looks like she's about to tell someone off!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

We celebrated at Grammaw & Papaw's house since Daddy was at work. Nathan swam in his pool and Lauren got to play dress up with mommy and Grammaw. :) Hope you all had a safe and fun 4th!.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Crummy Day

Last week I was having a really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddd day and we all decided to go to Dairy Queen for a blizzard. Here's the sign that greeted me at the door. I took heed, ate my ice cream (oink oink) and a better afternoon ensued!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bumbo Seat

Lauren in her big girl bumbo seat! I'll post more later but I wanted to share a supa-cute pic!