Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thank God for Mr. Mom

I'm sure you all know that my dear husband is my very own Mr. Mom. He is blessed with an awesome schedule of 24 on/48 off so he gets to stay home with our beautiful babies 3-4 times a week. He loves being there for the kids and especially loves not working 2-3 jobs. I love it because I don't have to worry about my babies having anything less than all the love and attention they need and deserve (although Lauren goes to Ms. Candi twice a week and we love her too)!

While Daddy loves these babies and cares for them immensely, I frequently come home to a disaster zone of toys galore with the kids in less than perfect condition. See photographic evidence...

Yes, those are lopsided pigtails peeking out of the Elmo panties perched atop her head. Not to mention the rest of this glorious outfit...

I'll take ragamuffin children anyday over the alternative of the blessing of having them home with their #1 fan, dear old dad. Thanks babe for being an awesome stay-at-home daddy. Love your #1 fan. :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lauren Faith 16 Months

1st Grader

Nathan started first grade today at his new school, Whitestone Elementary. He looks as handsome as ever and is so excited for this awesome new school year. Mommy dropped him off this morning but he gets to ride the bus home today. He is beyond thrilled about that! Mommy... not so much. Here's to a great school year!!! Go Wildcats!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I know, I know - this is way overdue!

Look at how big this little stinkpot is getting!

I have vowed to restart this blog. I have so many cute things to share so I hope you'll pick back up reading where you left off! :-)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lauren Update

We had a fully body scan done on Lauren and it showed no prior fractures or problems with her bones! Thank God! She is healthy and the doctor no longer suspects OI. She's getting used to her cast and is doing great. Kids are so resiliant. Thank you to everyone for your prayers!