Saturday, December 12, 2009

Back away from the candy cane and no one will get hurt...

Baby girl has been a teething monster for the last few days! Anything and everything goes straight to the mouth, including my face! I think she'll be cutting those top teeth pretty soon. She's still cute though - even when she's kind of a bear!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wiggly Tooth

Well - we've leaped over another milestone in the Wheeler house. Nathan had a dentist appointment last week and we found out he had his first loose tooth. He wiggled and wiggled all week and started begging Doug to pull it out on Monday. We tried on Tuesday...

And again on Wednesday...

But it just wasn't quite ready. We couldn't get the floss underneath the tooth. He kept wiggling and we tried again tonight. Success! We got the floss on tight and Daddy play punched him in the belly while I started singing and with one little yank, the tooth was free.

Big smile right after the tooth came out...

Now we get to see how much the tooth fairy leaves for teeth these days. I remember a quarter or two. With inflation, I'm sure the rate's gone up. However, we are in a recession so I guess we shall see!

I still can't believe how brave this kid is. I used to let my teeth hang on by a thread until they just fell out on their own. He is his father's son!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Piggie Tail

Hey everyone! I just wanted to post some cute pictures of Lauren's first piggie tail and some of her latest and greatest expressions. She's almost 8 months old now and nearly crawling. She does this lunging thing to get where she wants to go. I'm guessing by Christmas we won't be able to keep up with her!

Poking brother in the eye
Happy girl

My favorite crinkle nose smile

Crinkle nose again

Evil child grin!
This is what happened when we took the piggie out. I think she looks like Cindy Lou Who with brown hair! :)